Thursday, November 15, 2007

Eve!, Let Bob and Alice live their Life!

Well, today there was a nice seminar on QKD (Quantum Key Distribution) by Masahito Hayashi from Japan. His work was on using different methods to evaluate the measure of security exchanging information which is a great topic in Quantum Information and Communication and Quantum Cryptography. As I found there are some keys and methods that Alice and Bob use to encode and decode their messages to prevent Eve (an eavedropper) from reading the message when it is being tranmitted between them.
His work was experiment-based in collaboration with other groups under a large project in Japan between Universities and Technology companies. He have several internatiollly printed books and papers.
An inetersting thing that happened in his presentation was his surprise on the first word in the first line of the first page of his presentation, SPD. He said: "what!? what is it here?! SPD!!!" We enjoyed very much in his surprises and moves during his presentation! SPD is "Single-Photon Detector" which is one of the main devices to detect the photons which carry the information.

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